First Transnational Meeting Vienna October 2017

Theresianische Akademie Wien

The purpose of the project meeting in Vienna was:

  1. To present the first teaching concepts, discuss them and get the project going
  2. To plan the further progress of the project



Riitta Häyhä

Miia Pietilä


Paola Camerlenghi

Flavio Vincenzi 


Jolanta Styp- Rekowska 

Beata Szajda 


Joao Rafael Almeida

Monica  Nogueira

Luisa Salinas 


Lennart Weiss

Helena Palmheden


Mary Mascaraque 

Agnes Perello 


Andrea Bauer

Fritz Tiefenbrunner

Project Meeting Vienna


 Transnational Meeting VIENNA final progr.doc

Intro Presentation by project coordinator Riitta Häyhä:

From Diversity to Employability. Wien 23.10.17.pptx

Teaching Concepts presented: 

 ISP Erasmus Presentation.pptx

Life Science.pptx

Discussion of methods presented:

  1. Are there similar concepts at your school?
  2. When dealing with the integration of foreign students, how do you deal with these problems:  How do you even out curriculum differences, different status in various subjects, transferability of qualifications, what is the time frame until student should reach regular student status, how are local language and the school´s foreign languages taught, how do you del with the student´s native language, how does cultural integration happen, how do you deal with native traditions of foreign students, …
Project Meeting in Vienna

Plan for next project meeting in Mantova in May 2018:

  1. Each partner will bring a presentation of their school, following a common outline to make sure the schools and their characteristics are known to everybody
  2. There will be a Logo Competition: each partner will have students design one or several logos for the “Diversity to Employability” project, one of which will be selected as the official project logo
  3. Each partner school will present a video dealing with their reaction to the new teaching concepts pesented in Vienna
  4. Liceo Virgilio will present two new teaching concepts.