Terms of admission

Terms of admission to the 1st form of academic secondary education


  1. Perfect report card from elementary school.
  2. A very good understanding of German both written and spoken.
  3. A very good impression at a personal interview with the headmaster.
  4. Good social abilities and the willingness to contribute as an active member of the Theresianum community
  5. An early interest can be an advantage (it is possible to register your interest in our school from the 2nd grade at elementary school)

If we have caught your attention and you would like your child to attend the Theresianum the following steps must be carried out: 

  1. Due to the high level of demand, it is an advantage to register your interest at the earliest opportunity (possible from the second year of elementary school)
    Please use the following link: Formular Vormerkung 1. Klasse Gymnasium
  2. You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your interest.
  3. When your child is in the 4th school year you and your child will receive an invitation to an information event and tour of the school. On this occasion you will have the opportunity to visit the school building and to speak with the headmaster, the head of educational staff as well as with many of our teachers. You should decide if you would like to register your child only after this event.
  4. The registration period is in the week after this information event. The school reports and documents should be submitted during this time and the administration fee of 140 € must be paid as well.
  5. The personal interviews will be scheduled for November and December.
  6. In January you will receive confirmation whether your application has been successful.

 If you have any questions relating to our school and boarding opportunities please call the school secretary (Ms Ecker, Ms Popadic or Ms Beißer) on 0043 1 505 15 71 - 401 or 402.

The Parents Tour

The annual tour allows parents and children of future 1st form classes the chance to get to know the Theresianum. All areas of the school and boarding house are shown. The tours are given in small groups and give parents and children the opportunity to ask questions and to clarify expectations. All groups are shown the school by current teachers. 

Conditions of admission for older students (from the 2nd to 7th form)

  • Submission of the last two school report cards (German translations)
  • A list of the previous school career
  • A very good understanding of German both written and spoken
  • Knowledge of English, French and Latin:
    • English or French from the 1st form
    • French or English from the 3rd form
    • Latin from the 4th form
  • Very good grades
  • A good impression at a personal interview with the headmaster
  • An available place in the appropriate school year

During the registration process you will be expected to pay a 150 € administration fee.


Mit der geringfügig über der Inflationsrate liegenden Erhöhung und anderen Erlösen der Stiftung (z.B. aus Vermietung) sollen ab 2015 die Fenster- und Fassadensanierungen sowie die Generalsanierung der Stammklassen in Etappen fortgesetzt werden.