
„From Diversity to Employability - new trends and methods in teaching and integration“

All participating schools are facing serious challenges in the fields of integrating and teaching students from various backgrounds, different cultural and social circumstances and with vastly differing abilities and skills. At the same time, they have to prepare this varied student population to be employable on an integrated all-European job market, possessing the abilities, skills, values and attitudes that are expected of European workers in the future.
These challenges seem to be present in many European countries as an effect of open borders, individual mobility and also immigration to the EU.
To support teachers in their efforts of bridging these differences and of integrating and teaching very diverse groups of students, while at the same time preparing them for the European job market, schools have developed and made use of new methods and approaches with a special focus on the implementation of digital media. A comparison of these practices, methods and approaches and an opportunity to learn from each other would be seen as very helpful to all participants.
Participating Schools:
Öffentliches Gymnasium der Stiftung "Theresianische Akademie" Vienna, Austria
Östra reals gymnasium Stockholm, Sweden
Liceo Classico Virgilio Mantova, Italy
Keravanjoen koulu, Kerava, Finland
Colégio Campo de Flores, Lazarim, Portugal
IES Maragall, Barcelona, Spain
Zespól skol ni1 i Gimnazjium nr17, Gdansk, Poland
Concept and Purpose:
Each participating school will contribute two new forms of teaching, present these to partner schools during a project meeting and allow for discussion and explanation during this meeting. Partner school will then take the information home and, between project meetings, try these new methods in their own school, adapt them to their needs if possible and then bring back feedback to the next project meeting, where another school will present two different concepts.
In this way, knowledge about new forms of teaching will be exchanged and this best practice comparison may result in advancements in teaching methodology and a new way of dealing with the problems and challenges that all partner schools face.
Each participating school has nominated two new teaching methods that will be presented in the form of demonstrations with involved students during the project meetings in the schools. Here is the event sequence:
a. before project meeting: hosting school sends out information about the methods that will be presented
b. at project meeting: welcome - introduction - presentation of methods - debate, including students and (if considered helpful) also parents, directors and involved admin staff - identification of elements considered generally useful - dividing up of activities before next meeting: who will try out what - feedback - planning for next meeting - farewell
c. after project meeting: Presentation of new methods in teacher conferences and in front of parents, thereby creating interest among everybody involved. Trial runs of demonstrated methods in all schools, continuous exchange of experiences with them, via communication channels described above. Results forwarded to coordinating school Theresianum, constant publication of results on website.
This cycle is repeated until alll partner schools have had a project meeting and have demonstrated.
d. At the end of the second and third project year: "European Weeks" (the format has been developed in previous projects, is well established and successful): attended by mixed teacher / student groups from all partner schools, to exchange project results found so far and discuss experiences among all involved groups. Demosntrations of adapted methods if possible.
Time Grid as Given in Application:
Year 1 2017/18
Transnational Meeting October 2017 AUSTRIA |
Transnational Meeting May 2018 ITALY |
Year 2 2018/19
Transnational Meeting October 2018 PORTUGAL |
Transnational Meeting February 2019 SWEDEN |
Learning/Teaching/Training Activities “European Week“ May 2019 FINLAND
Year 3 2019/2020
Transnational Meeting October 2019 POLAND |
Transnational Meeting January 2020 SPAIN |
Learning/Teaching/Training Activities “European Week“ May 2020 ITALY Final Transnational Meeting + Dissemination June 2020 PORTUGAL |
New teaching concepts that were presented (including changes throughout project)
- Picture
- Digi-exam
- Europass (and other documents)
- Education and integration through sport
- Peer education
- Work Practice
- Phenomenon-based Learning
- Lessons on the Move
- EXIT project: university cooperation
- Community Services (APS)
- The ISP project
- Elective subjects Business and Life Science
- Digital Schoolbooks
- GroupPlus: streaming in E and M in years 5 – 8
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.