- Stiftung
- Kindergarten
- Volksschule
- Gymnasium
- Allgemeines
- Pädagogisches
- Pädagogisches Konzept
- Gewalt- und Kinderschutzkonzept
- Präventionsarbeit
- Tagesbetreuung
- Instrumentalunterricht
- Sport
- Zusatzangebote
- Sprachenschwerpunkt
- Naturwissenschaftlicher Schwerpunkt
- Reifeprüfung
- Wahlpflichtfächer
- Auslandsprogramme
- NAWI Lab
- Informatik
- Schulbibliothek
- Bildungsberatung / Karriereplanung
- Schulpartner / Elternverein
- Partnerschulen
- Berichte
- Aktivitäten - Gymnasium
- SOS - social skills
- Model European Parliament - MEP
- Comenius Projekt YEEF
- Erasmus Projekt 2017-2020
- First Transnational Meeting Vienna
- Second Transnational Meeting Mantova
- Third Transnational Meeting Caparica
- Fourth Transnational Meeting Stockholm
- European Week Kerava/Finland - teaching and learning activity
- Fifth Transnational Meeting Gdansk
- Sixth Transnational Meeting Barcelona
- End of Project, due to Covid19 Pandemia
- Erasmus+Projekt 2021-2027
- Erasmus+ Aktivitäten 2022
- Archiv - Aktivitäten
- Internat
Project Meeting in Stockholm in April 2014

In the Project Meeting in Stockholm teams from all participating schools met to compare their business presentations: each team had constructed two presentations of their own business ideas, following the sample presentation that had been laid down in the organizational meeting in Barcelona. These were presented in front of an expert jury, who gave critical feedback on witch of the two was the better presentation and how these business ideas could be improved.
Business Presentations Stockholm April 2014
CSE changeable shoe soles POL.pptx
D JSoles foot protectors for ballet dancers ESP.pptx
Easy pull self-driven luggage stroller ESP.pptx
Good Choice - healthy school lunches POL.pptx
KenGuru child care tutoring holiday camps.pptx
Kota cafeeeeee Lapland theme restaurant and shop FIN.pptx
Paracelsius fever indicator patch A.pptx
PASTA BREAK- Italian street food IT.pptx