- Stiftung
- Kindergarten
- Volksschule
- Gymnasium
- Allgemeines
- Pädagogisches
- Pädagogisches Konzept
- Gewalt- und Kinderschutzkonzept
- Präventionsarbeit
- Tagesbetreuung
- Instrumentalunterricht
- Sport
- Zusatzangebote
- Sprachenschwerpunkt
- Naturwissenschaftlicher Schwerpunkt
- Reifeprüfung
- Wahlpflichtfächer
- Auslandsprogramme
- NAWI Lab
- Informatik
- Schulbibliothek
- Bildungsberatung / Karriereplanung
- Schulpartner / Elternverein
- Partnerschulen
- Berichte
- Aktivitäten - Gymnasium
- SOS - social skills
- Model European Parliament - MEP
- Comenius Projekt YEEF
- Erasmus Projekt 2017-2020
- First Transnational Meeting Vienna
- Second Transnational Meeting Mantova
- Third Transnational Meeting Caparica
- Fourth Transnational Meeting Stockholm
- European Week Kerava/Finland - teaching and learning activity
- Fifth Transnational Meeting Gdansk
- Sixth Transnational Meeting Barcelona
- End of Project, due to Covid19 Pandemia
- Erasmus+Projekt 2021-2027
- Erasmus+ Aktivitäten 2022
- Archiv - Aktivitäten
- Internat

COMENIUS Multilateral school partnership 2011- 2014: “Young European Entrepreneurs of the Future”

7 partner schools in 7 different European countries want to cooperate in order to foster students' understanding of business issues on a European scale and teach them what skills are necessary to become a successful European entrepreneur: initiative and entrepreneurial competence, creativity, teamworking abilities, communicative and social skills.
Together we will share experiences, achieve common activities through different types of mobilities and exchange best practice examples in order to improve the quality of entrepreneurship education.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.